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Brush with Success

AI-Powered Retail Revolution


A leading oral hygiene company sought to enhance the effectiveness of its in-store promotional efforts amidst findings that 70% of such promotions were underperforming, leading to suboptimal returns on investment.


The company turned to the Mediar Shopper Behavior Lab’s AI-powered platform to gain deeper insights into shopper behavior and optimize promotional placements. The Lab utilized advanced computer vision to analyze shopper movements and interactions with promotional displays. In particular, the focus was on evaluating the impact of promotional endcap displays, which are critical for driving impulse purchases. AI-driven insights from the platform highlighted the importance of strategic placement, leading to the relocation of a key promotional endcap away from its original position in the toothpaste aisle to a more optimal location. This move was supported by data indicating higher shopper engagement in the new location, which was better aligned with shopper flow and visibility within the store.


This strategic relocation led to a dramatic 56% increase in both conversion rates and sales, with a 40% boost in shopper exposure to the display. Engagement, measured by the time spent at the display, also increased by 60%. These impressive results underscored the importance of data-driven decision-making in retail, demonstrating how even small adjustments in promotional strategy can lead to significant improvements in performance. The success of this initiative positioned the company as a leader in leveraging AI and advanced analytics for retail optimization, showcasing the transformative potential of these technologies.

surge in conversion and sales achieved by relocating a single promotional endcap!
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