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Defining the Future of Retail Media Attribution: Why In-Store Media is Key to Holistic Retail Advertising Groceryshop 2024

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Defining the Future of Retail Media Attribution: Why In-Store Media is Key to Holistic Retail Advertising Groceryshop 2024

At this year’s Groceryshop , it was impossible to ignore the industry’s collective focus on retail media. This shift is no surprise. Retailers now realize the untapped potential of their in-store and digital real estate as premium advertising platforms. With the decline of third-party cookies and rising concerns around data privacy, retailers are leaning into their first-party data to help brands connect with consumers at the most crucial moment—right at the point of sale.

But as we all heard during numerous discussions, the challenge remains the same: how do you quantify the impact of retail media beyond impressions and foot traffic? How do you prove its value in driving tangible results, like sales lift and shopper engagement?

Mediar’s Role in Revolutionizing Retail Media Measurement

Mediar Solutions was built to answer these questions. I left Groceryshop feeling more confident than ever that our platform is the missing piece brands and retailers need to measure, optimize, and justify their in-store media investments.

At Mediar, we don’t just measure foot traffic—we measure what truly matters: shopper behavior, conversion rates, and sales performance. And unlike other platforms that rely solely on sales lift to gauge effectiveness, we dig deeper. Mediar’s platform leverages shopper behavior data to provide a full picture of what influences purchase decisions. This approach is exactly why trade marketing teams rely on our data instead of just sales metrics when evaluating the performance of physical displays.

Key Takeaways from Groceryshop:

In-Store Media Is Gaining Momentum: More brands are investing in in-store displays, digital screens, and other media touchpoints to influence purchasing decisions. However, many are still struggling to measure the direct impact of these efforts. That’s where Mediar comes in—providing detailed attribution that connects media placements to real-world results.

Data-Driven Decision Making Is a Priority: The conversation at Groceryshop made it clear—retailers and brands are hungry for smarter, data-driven insights. Mediar’s ability to track the full shopper journey in-store and tie it back to sales data puts us at the forefront of this movement. We don’t just deliver metrics; we deliver actionable insights that allow brands to adjust and optimize their campaigns in real time.

Attribution Is the Future of Retail Media: One of the recurring themes at Groceryshop was the need for better attribution models. Mediar is uniquely positioned to define and own this space. By building proprietary attribution metrics across different retailers, we’re solving a major industry problem: comparing the performance of in-store media across various retail chains. Nobody else is doing this today. Our platform is pioneering a new level of transparency, helping brands prove their media’s impact not just with sales lift but with robust, behavior-based data that goes beyond traditional methods.

How Mediar Can Help You Maximize Your Retail Media Strategy

After Groceryshop, one thing is clear: the future of retail media will be defined by measurement and optimization. The days of vague impressions and rough estimates are over. Retailers and brands now demand more clarity and precision when it comes to understanding how their media is performing in-store.

With Mediar’s platform, you can:

  • Measure: Track the performance of in-store media and connect it to key metrics like sales lift and conversion, while leveraging shopper behavior data for a more comprehensive view.
  • Optimize: Use real-time data to refine your media placements, making adjustments on the fly for better performance.
  • Justify: Get the insights you need to prove the ROI of your media investments, helping you make smarter budget allocations and secure future media spend.

Final Thoughts

As I reflect on my time at Groceryshop, I’m excited about the direction retail media is heading—and I’m proud that Mediar is playing a pivotal role in shaping its future. Our platform is uniquely positioned to give brands and retailers the tools they need to unlock the full potential of their in-store media strategies.

The retail industry is moving quickly, and the brands that succeed will be the ones that embrace data-driven decision making and use the right tools to continuously optimize their media efforts. With Mediar, you can be confident that your retail media investments are delivering results—and that you have the data to prove it.

Let’s build the future of retail media together.

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