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Top Insights from Groceryshop 2024: AI, Retail Media, and Attribution

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Top Insights from Groceryshop 2024: AI, Retail Media, and Attribution

As I reflect on Groceryshop 2024, one thing is clear: the future of retail is already unfolding before our eyes. This year’s event was buzzing with innovation, but what stood out was how some topics have shifted from being front-and-center to becoming industry norms. Here are the top three insights I took away from this year’s Groceryshop:

1. AI: From Buzzword to Baseline

Just a couple of years ago, conversations about artificial intelligence dominated every conference and panel. This year, AI barely came up in discussions. But that doesn’t mean it’s any less important—quite the opposite. Retailers and brands now see AI as a given. It’s no longer a shiny new concept; it’s an essential tool integrated into every part of the business. AI is powering everything from supply chain optimization to customer personalization, and we’ve reached a point where if you’re not using AI, you’re behind the curve. At Mediar, we see AI as foundational, helping brands and retailers not just gather data but understand it on a deeper level to drive better decisions.

2. Retail Media: Everyone’s Talking, Few Are Executing

The second insight is that retail media is a hot topic. Everywhere you turned, people were discussing retail media as a massive growth opportunity. It’s clear that retailers are investing heavily in building their media networks, and brands are eager to leverage those platforms to connect with shoppers in more targeted ways. However, the gap between intent and execution is widening. Despite the excitement, very few are tapping into the full potential of retail media.

3. Retail Media Attribution: The Missing Piece (Except for Mediar)

That leads me to my third insight. While retail media is the buzz, no one—except for Mediar—has cracked the code on retail media attribution. Measuring the success of retail media campaigns is critical, yet most teams are still relying on outdated metrics like sales lift. At Mediar, we are pioneering the use of shopper behavior data to provide real, actionable insights into which tactics are driving results. We believe that by defining retail media attribution, we can own it. Our proprietary attribution metrics not only allow for precise performance measurement but also help brands optimize their investments across different retail environments.

Mediar is Leading the Retail Media Revolution

Groceryshop 2024 made one thing clear: while AI and retail media are becoming baseline expectations, true innovation lies in how we use these tools to drive measurable outcomes. Retailers and brands may be talking about AI and building their retail media networks, but Mediar is the only company truly delivering on the promise of retail media attribution.

At Mediar, we go beyond sales lift and outdated metrics, using shopper behavior data to unlock insights that others simply can’t. We’re pioneering proprietary attribution metrics that show what’s really working, where to optimize, and how to make your investments count across different retail chains.

In a world where everyone’s talking about potential, Mediar is delivering results. If you’re ready to take your retail media strategy to the next level, let’s talk about how Mediar can help you not only keep up—but lead.

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